Submitting Undetected Viruses and False Positives
Don't forget to submit any undetected malware, viruses and other threats to [email protected], attach it with the password "infected" (without quotes) and the file format should be ZIP file or RAR archive. Doing this will help us to improve the detection rate of our program. Submitting False Positives are also like submitting viruses put the password "false" (without quotes) at the ZIP OR RAR archive.

Submitting Bug Reports
You can also submit bug reports to [email protected]. Using the following steps:
1. Type the bug report correctly
2. If you want to put a screenshot with the error message and attach it (optional)
3. Upload the file which has BUG simply attach the file
4. Done!

Thank You for using our program!
(c) 2011-2012 GPM
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